
a quick aside

a few people recently have asked me what's up with music. we were hitting the scene pretty hard for a couple months and things have certainly slowed up, this is a personal decision on my part. i'm finishing up my final semester in college, ali is earning her masters, miller is finishing up his semester of teaching and steve wishes he could quit his computer job and play music full time. aside from this all of us are active in several other musical projects at this time and are very busy gigging. in the meantime we're all working diligently on a new demo, and shuffling a few things up and possibly adding a couple new members to solidify our rhythm section. we'll be back in full swing come july, although we have a few dates booked in may and i've heard rumors of a couple dates in austin, LA, and san diego in june, just a rumor, maybe. we've also been kicking around the idea of a little tour with our friends teh missing keys in august. we'll be back soon, stay tuned, and relax with a glass of wine, now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

in the meantime please look us up on virb (www.virb.com/papillonsetouragans)

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